About the Project

MARC Charger Bike Car

The Penn-Camden Connector (PCC) project will restore a  historic rail connection, to be used primarily for passenger trains between the two Maryland Area Regional Commuter (MARC) rail lines serving Baltimore – the Penn Line and Camden Line.  

This multi-faceted project will improve connectivity and reliability for MARC train service by establishing track connections, repurposing and enhancing an existing rail yard for train storage,  and increasing system efficiency of the rail operations, resulting in reduced emissions.

Project Location

The project is centered around the Mt. Clare Yard located at 1223 Bernard Dr, Baltimore, MD 21223. Full limits of the project will be developed as the project design advances.

Penn-Camden Connector Map

Project Inquiries


Lower Emissions

Lower Emissions

Operational Flexibility to Minimize Impacts From Service Disruptions

Operational Flexibility to Minimize Impacts From Service Disruptions

Additional MARC Train Storage for Future Penn Line and Camden Line Service Expansion

Additional MARC Train Storage for Future Penn Line and Camden Line Service Expansion

Timeline Schedule

Spring/Summer 2024 - Fall/Winter 2025

Timeline Schedule

Next Steps

The Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) was awarded a grant under the 2022 Consolidated Rail Investment and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Program to fund the preparation of 30% design and complete the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for the project. In 2024, MTA will progress initial design concepts, initiate environmental resource evaluation, and solicit public input on the project. Upon completion of the 30% design and NEPA process, the MTA will evaluate the next steps, including funding opportunities and outlining a potential construction timetable.

Comments and Participate

Have questions or comments? Reach out to the project team at penncamdenconnector@mdot.maryland.gov or call 410-767-9099.


2022 Consolidated Rail Investment and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Program Grant Application for Penn-Camden Connector Project (includes more details on type of improvements)