About the Project

MARC Charger Bike Car

The Penn-Camden Connector (PCC) project will restore a  historic rail connection, to be used primarily for passenger trains between the two Maryland Area Regional Commuter (MARC) rail lines serving Baltimore – the Penn Line and Camden Line.  

This multi-faceted project will improve connectivity and reliability for MARC train service by establishing track connections, repurposing and enhancing an existing rail yard for train storage,  and increasing system efficiency of the rail operations, resulting in reduced emissions.

Project Location

The project is centered around the Mt. Clare Yard located at 1223 Bernard Dr, Baltimore, MD 21223. Full limits of the project will be developed as the project design advances.

Penn-Camden Connector Map

Penn-Camden Connector Study Area

Study Area is 1/8 of a mile around the Penn-Camden Connector track alignment.

Frequently Asked Questions

iHow do I learn about the project and updates?

You can learn about the project online at www.mta.maryland.gov/PCC. For the latest updates, send an email to penncamdenconnector@mdot.maryland.gov to be added to the distribution list.

iWhat is NEPA?

NEPA is an acronym for the National Environmental Policy Act. The National Environmental Policy Act requires projects seeking federal approval or using federal funds to be evaluated on their potential impact to environmental and social resources.

iWhat types of topics are covered by NEPA?

The NEPA evaluates a variety of topics including potential impacts to:

  • Historic Resources
  • Natural Resources (streams, wetlands, forests, sensitive species)
  • Noise & Vibration
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Right-of-Way Needs
  • Traffic
  • Air Quality
  • Farmland, Parks and Recreation Areas
  • Community Facilities
iWhat federal agencies are providing funding for this project?

Both the Federal Railroad Administration and Federal Transit Administration will fund this project.

iWhen will this project be constructed?

Currently, the Penn-Camden Connector Project is funded through preliminary engineering activities, including the NEPA process. Construction funding for this project will be contingent upon federal grant opportunities. Although funding for construction has not been identified to-date, the Penn-Camden Connector Project is actively pursuing multiple federal grant opportunities. Actual construction dates will be dependent upon obtaining a funding source.

iWhat is preliminary engineering?

Preliminary engineering involves all pre-construction activities, such as the development of engineered project plans and specifications, coordination with railroad partners (Amtrak, CSX, and Norfolk Southern), and cooperation with local and federal stakeholders.

iWhat types of trains will use this facility?

MARC passenger trains will use the Penn-Camden Connector and will be stored at the Mt. Clare Yard. It is not anticipated that freight train traffic will increase as a result of this project.

iWhere are we now in the process?

The Penn-Camden Connector is currently in the project planning and preliminary engineering phase. This phase includes the development of engineered project plans and specifications, the completion of the NEPA process, and federal and local community engagement.

During each phase of the Penn-Camden Connector Project, the public and other stakeholders may provide input on the project via the website comment form located within the 'Contact Us' section on the webpage. Letters may also be mailed to 6 St. Paul Street, Office of Planning, Baltimore, MD 21202.

iWhat is being done to minimize harmful impacts to trails, wildlife, and natural habitat?

The FRA and MTA will consult with multiple resource agencies to evaluate potential impacts to natural resources. If negative impacts are identified, MTA will work to avoid, minimize, and mitigate impacts.

iWill the Penn-Camden Connector be safe for the areas and residents surrounding the rail corridors?

Safety is of paramount importance to the Penn-Camden Connector Project and will be emphasized at each stage of project development.

The safety and security of areas adjacent to the rail corridors will be evaluated as part of the preliminary engineering activities and be documented throughout the project development process through coordination with federal agencies, stakeholders, community partners, and technical experts.

iWhat if the project needs my property?

Right of way needs will be determined during preliminary engineering and refined during final design. All property acquisition will follow the Uniform Act 49 CFR Part 24.

iIs this a new version of the CSX Intermodal Modal facility from 2014?

No, the Penn-Camden Connector is very different from CSX's pursuit of an intermodal facility at Mt. Clare Yard in 2014.

MARC trains will be the primary occupant on the Penn-Camden Connector and the intended future use of the Mt. Clare Yard is MARC train layover storage. Only minor maintenance is anticipated to occur at the Mt. Clare Yard and it is not being developed as a locomotive repair facility. Additionally, MARC does not anticipate any style of multi-modal connections (trucks, automobiles, etc.) to occur at the Mt. Clare Yard, keeping traffic patterns along the neighboring streets similar to current conditions.


Lower Emissions

Lower Emissions

Operational Flexibility to Minimize Impacts From Service Disruptions

Operational Flexibility to Minimize Impacts From Service Disruptions

Additional MARC Train Storage for Future Penn Line and Camden Line Service Expansion

Additional MARC Train Storage for Future Penn Line and Camden Line Service Expansion

Timeline Schedule

Spring/Summer 2024 - Fall/Winter 2025

Timeline Schedule for the Penn-Camden Connector

Next Steps

The Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) was awarded a grant under the 2022 Consolidated Rail Investment and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Program to fund the preparation of 30% design and complete the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for the project. In 2024, MTA will progress initial design concepts, initiate environmental resource evaluation, and solicit public input on the project. Upon completion of the 30% design and NEPA process, the MTA will evaluate the next steps, including funding opportunities and outlining a potential construction timetable.

Comments and Participate

Have questions or comments? Reach out to the project team at penncamdenconnector@mdot.maryland.gov or call 410-767-9099.