Mobility is a specialized transit service available to people, who because of a disability are functionally unable to get to a bus stop, wait unassisted at a stop or station or board or ride a bus or train by themselves. Mobility is a shared ride service offered from the first exterior door of your home or pick up location to the first exterior door of your destination.
To book and manage your trips, please choose an option below:
For our complete Mobility/Paratransit Services Ride Guide, click here. (En Español)
Mobility Application Download (en Español)
Mobility Re-Certification Application Form - click here to Download
If you have any problem accessing this document, please contact us at 410-764-8181.
Where and when does Mobility operate?
Mobility service is available within three quarters (¾) of a mile of any Local route in Baltimore City and Anne Arundel and Baltimore counties and within three quarters (¾) of a mile radius of a Light Rail or Metro Subway station. This does not include MARC Train or Commuter Bus routes.
Mobility is available on the same days and during the same hours as any LocalLink, Light Rail or Metro Subway 365 days a year.
Operating Hours
Reservations are accepted by phone during normal business hours seven days a week. You may make reservations by calling Mobility at 410-764-8181 or the free TDD 711 Maryland Relay Service. You can always reach the Late Line 24 hours a day seven (7) days a week. Mobility All Access is available 24 hours per day.
Customer Care is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Certification hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
You can confirm or cancel your trip 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week, either by speaking to an agent or by using the Mobility Direct IVR system at 410-764-8181.
What does it cost to ride?
The one way fare is $2.20 for eligible riders and their guests. If you are certified to travel with a Personal Care Attendant (PCA) they ride for free. Passengers must pay the exact fare when boarding the bus. A maximum of two children under the age of six (6) may ride free of charge and children over six (6) pay the adult fare of $2.20.
We cannot provide change, nor do we accept round trip fares.
A 20 ride ticket book may be purchased for your convenience at the MDOT MTA Transit Store.
Online: Ticket ride books may be purchased at
Transit Store: Tickets may be purchased in person at 6 Saint Paul St. First Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202 Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. You may call the Transit Store for more information at 410-767-3447.
Tickets never expire and are valid anytime.
How to Participate
To qualify for Mobility service applicants must have an impairment that prevents them independently accessing, boarding, disembarking or riding other MTA services.
If you think you qualify you should call the Mobility Certification office at 410-764-8181, select Option 6 to request an application or click here to download an application (en Español). Certification Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Be sure to read the directions before completing your part of the application and then send it to your health care provider to fill out. Be sure that your health care provider gives you the original signed application that includes their license number, then call for an appointment to be interviewed.
*** During the COVID-19 State of Emergency, completed applications can be submitted via fax to 410-764-7526 or via email to ***
How to appeal a determination
(updated August 7, 2018)
You may take an appeal if you have been (1) denied eligibility; or (2) granted temporary or conditional eligibility and believe you should have been granted full eligibility; or (3) suspended or barred from receiving services.
To do so, you must follow these steps to appeal the decision:
- You must submit the appeals form to Mobility Appeals, Office of Equal Opportunity Compliance Programs within 60 days from the date on your determination letter or you will lose your right to appeal. Your appeal request may be done in person, by phone or in writing. We will notify you of the date, time and location (if you choose to appear in person). We will schedule your hearing within 30 days of receipt of your appeal request.
- Written appeals should be provided to Mobility Appeals, Office of Equal Opportunities Compliance Programs at 6 Saint Paul St, Baltimore, MD 21202.
- Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) will grant current customers/recertification applicants temporary paratransit service during the appeal process if a completed Hearing Request form is received by MTA within 10 calendar days of receipt of a denial letter. Mobility does not offer temporary paratransit service to new applicants during the appeal process. If an appeal determination has not been made within 30 days of your appeal hearing, MTA Mobility will provide you with paratransit service from the 31st day until an appeal decision is made.
- In order to obtain a copy of your Mobility Application and all supporting documents before your hearing, you must mark the option “I would like a copy of my file” when completing the attached MTA’s Hearing Request form. You may also submit a written request for your Mobility Application and all supporting documents no less than 10 days before your hearing. MTA encourages you to provide an email address on your request for faster service.
- Please contact Mobility to schedule a ride to your appeal hearing if needed. The ride will be provided free of charge to encourage your attendance at the hearing.
- It is important that you attend the hearing in person, by phone or that you submit by the hearing date any information you would like us to consider. If you have scheduled a telephone hearing, please make sure the Mobility Appeals, OECP has a good contact number to reach you at the designated date and time.
- To reschedule your appeal date and time, contact the Mobility Appeals, OECP at 410-764-8507 and a new hearing will be scheduled within 30 days. You may be required to provide documentation to support your postponement request.
- If you fail to participate in your appeal, the original decision will be reviewed and an appeal decision will be rendered as to whether to uphold or overturn the original decision.
- You may have a representative with you during the hearing (for example, someone from an advocacy organization or an attorney). A representative may assist you in presenting information to the decision maker, but may not answer questions for you or interfere with the conduct of the hearing.
- Hearings will be audio recorded.
**Este documento se encuentra disponible en un formato alternativo o traducido según solicitud.
**MTA Mobility Information; Telephone Number: 410-764-8181; Toll Free 1- 866-743-3682; TTY 410-539-3497; MD Relay 7-1-1
The Maryland Transit Administration is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of its transit services on the basis of race, color or national origin, as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Participation for out of town visitors
If you are a visitor with a disability, the MTA will be happy to assist you use the MobilityLink service for up to 21 days each year. Simply fax us your eligibility determination letter from your service provider to 410-764-8509. We need to know your name, and when you want to travel and how we should send you information confirming your eligibility for Mobility. It may take up to 3 days to process so please plan ahead.
If you have not been certified by another transit system and wish to use our service, please tell us what mobility device you use or provide a doctor’s note confirming a disability along with the information requested above.
Regional Travel
There are many accessible travel options throughout Maryland and the District. Click here to see Regional Transit options.
Interested in advising MTA about important issues?
The Citizens Advisory Committee for Accessible Transportation (CACAT) is an advisory body, mandated by federal ADA requirements, that meets on the third Thursday of every month except August and December. Meetings take place in the 5th Floor Conference Room at 6 St. Paul Street in Baltimore. CACAT advises MTA about programs and services, both paratransit and fixed-route, affecting individuals with disabilities using MTA modes of transportation. Members of CACAT are respected as an integral part of the ongoing service improvement process.
MTA Mobility Brochures
We have all our Mobility Brochures in both downloadable PDF and HTML format. Please visit our Brochures & Publications page for a list of all available Mobility brochures.
Certified Rider Information
Visit our Certified Riders page for important information for individuals approved to use MTA Mobility and Call-A-Ride. You will find sections about how to make and cancel a reservation as well as other helpful topics.
Reasonable Accommodations
If you need help understanding this information or assistance in completing or understanding Mobility forms or policies, wish to request a reasonable accommodation or modification, or need a copy of this document in an alternative format, please contact Mobility Information at 410-764-8181, Toll Free 1-866-743-3682, TTY 410-539-3497, or MD Relay 71. You may also contact the Office of Equal Opportunity Compliance Programs at 410-767-3779.
No Show and Cancellation Policy
The Mobility No-Show and Late Cancellation policy has been designed to discourage unnecessary cancellations and No-Shows. No-Shows and cancellations reduce the efficiency of the service and cause inconvenience to other passengers. Mobility recognizes that there are times you cannot help canceling your service or not showing up for a scheduled trip. Click here for complete details on the no show and cancellation policies.