Show us how public transit helps keep our planet green! Enter the MTA Earth Day Art Contest and get a chance to have your artwork featured on a real MTA bus!

Who Can Enter?

Kids and teens ages 5-17 who live in Maryland.

What to Create?

Draw, paint, or illustrate an original piece of artwork that shows how public transit helps protect the environment. Your design can feature:

✅ Buses, trains, and other sustainable ways to travel
✅ Clean air, green spaces, and Maryland’s natural beauty
✅ The impact of transit in reducing traffic and pollution

How to Enter

  1. Create your artwork on paper no bigger than 8.5" x 11" (standard paper size).
  2. Take a clear photo or scan of your art.
  3. Upload your .jpg or .pdf file using the submission link below.
  4. Name your file like this: firstname-lastname-title.jpg (Example: jane-doe-greenearth.jpg).
  5. Submit your artwork by Monday, March 17, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.

Cool Prizes!

🎉Winning artwork will be wrapped on an MTA bus!
🏆Winners will be invited to a special Earth Day event to see their artwork revealed!

🔗Submit Your Art Now

2024 Winners

In 2024, MTA launched its inaugural Earth Day Art Contest, inviting young artists from across Maryland to showcase how public transit supports a cleaner, greener future. The winning designs were transformed into vibrant bus wraps, turning MTA buses into moving works of art that inspire communities to make sustainable choices every day.

Last year's talented winners represented the creativity and passion of youth across the state:

Maddie Bourdeau, 7, Odenton"Save Our Earth"
Lydia Joy Greenwell, 7, Millersville"Next Stop: A Sunny Future"
Carina Araujo, 11, Gaithersburg "Go Green"
Irina Lalicki, 12, Baltimore"Next Stop: Ecofriendliness"
Jadyn Lee, 16, Baltimore"Adventure"
Nzinga Philbery, 17, Bowie "The Blooming Bus"

Since their unveiling, these buses have traveled throughout the state, reminding Marylanders that protecting our planet is a daily choice. Whether by riding transit, reducing waste, or conserving energy, small actions can create a big impact.

We can’t wait to see what the next generation of young artists will create in 2025!


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