About the Project
MTA, in partnership with Baltimore City Department of Transportation, is planning targeted investments to make bus service on Garrison Boulevard, Bloomingdale Road, and Poplar Grove Street faster, more convenient, and safer between Wabash Avenue and Edmondson Avenue. MTA paused the project when the Covid pandemic began but has now restarted the study. In this project phase, MTA will be looking at locations where we can make improvements, and we will study what investments can provide the most benefit to bus riders.
Possible improvements include:

Bus bulbs

Traffic signal adjustments

Additional bus shelters

Safer pedestrian crossings

Accessibility improvements
This is what we heard:
Bus Reliability/Travel Time Variability
You told us that bus reliability was the most important improvement needed.
Better Bus Stop Amenities
You told us you want more shelters, benches, and lighting.
Walking to the Bus Stop
You told us that sidewalks and crosswalks need to be improved for the safety and convenience of bus riders.
MTA is also analyzing:
Average Bus Speed
How fast or slow is transit compared to other traffic? Traffic congestion and closely spaced stops can slow buses
Dwell Time
How long does it take buses to serve their stops? Re-entering travel lanes after passengers board and alight takes longer at some stops than others.
How many people are using the bus? Which stops are most heavily used? Are there stops that people aren’t using at all?
What Improvements Is MTA Considering?
MTA has a Transit Priority Toolkit which describes a range of ways that bus service can be improved and our streets made safer for pedestrians and bicyclists. MTA will consider which of these tools would be right for Garrison Boulevard and would improve bus service.
What This Can Look Like
- Moving specific bus stops to the far side of the intersection reduces the amount of time a bus waits at a light before picking up passengers
- Making sure that the distance between bus stops isn't too long or short helps to maintain bus speed
- Building out the curb so that riders can step directly from the sidewalk onto the bus
- Installing new bus shelters at high-ridership locations
- Installing curb ramps and maintaining unobstructed spaces makes bus stops accessible for all riders, including those using mobility devices
- Brightening crosswalks and overhead lighting make everyone feel safer
Comment and Participate
During June 2022, MTA visited four locations in the corridor to speak with community members. An in-person open house at the Walbrook Library and a virtual open house followed in December 2022. At these events, we heard from transit riders about locations about bus speed and frequency, pedestrian accommodations, lighting, and other considerations for the corridor. If you didn't get a chance to speak with us during those events, you can still email transitpriority@mdot.maryland.gov with any comments or questions about this project.
Project Schedule
Spring/Summer 2019
MTA initiated the project with field outreach and a public meeting. Click here to see the information presented at that meeting.
Spring 2022
MTA reintroduced the project to the public.
Summer 2022
Based on what we heard from you and our studies of how the buses are working (speed, reliability, and travel time) MTA developed concept designs for improvements at key locations on Garrison Boulevard.
Fall 2022
MTA presented the concept designs to the public for feedback at an Open House. Click here to see the concepts, which will be further reviewed and revised based on what we heard.
Fall 2023
MTA began the engineering and final design phase of the project, based on the concepts developed through public comment and outreach.
Future Following the preparation of the final design, construction funding will be necessary for MTA to implement the improvements.