Full-size bicycles, e-bikes, and scooters are permitted on all MARC trains, on all three lines. Identify a railcar that accommodates bikes by looking for either the green “Bicycle Entrance” decal or an illuminated green light on the outside of the car. Passengers unable to find an available bike rack must wait for the next train with bike capacity.  Folding bicycles and scooters are still permitted - but these devices must be folded/collapsed prior to boarding the train and may not be stored in the overhead luggage racks.
Please note that there are several important policies regarding bikes on MARC:
  • Charging of E-bikes and scooters on board MARC Train or at stations is prohibited to ensure the safety of all passengers. This includes charging using an external power source.
  • No gasoline-powered bikes or scooters are permitted.
  • Passengers must bring two bungee cords with them to secure their bicycles.  See more information below.
  • Passengers must load and unload bikes on their own. Conductors cannot assist, including at low-level platform stations.
  • Passengers must board at the proper door if they are traveling to a station with a short platform. If you are not sure which door(s) open at your destination, please ask a member of the train crew.
  • Passengers may not carry bikes through the train.
  • Bikes must remain on the bike rack  while the train is in motion.
  • Bikes may only be removed from the bike rack when you reach your destination.
Securing Bicycles

Passengers must bring two bungee cords with them to secure their bicycles. Railcars identified by the green "Bicycle Entrance" signs (called MARC IV cars) require the use of bungees to secure bikes, as they do not have bike racks. Bikes may be secured with bungee cords in the designated areas only on these cars. Passengers are not permitted to bring their bikes on a MARC IV railcar if they do not have bungee cords. Bungee cords may not be used to secure bikes on the other railcar types, which have built in bike racks, indicated by green lights on the outside of the car. MARC train equipment assignments vary day-to-day and your train may have any type of MARC rail car, so always travel with two bungee cords.

  • Remove all bags and unsecured items before boarding the train.
  • Passengers must load and unload bikes on their own, which may include carrying bicycles up and down stairs. Conductors cannot assist, including at low-level platform stations.
  • We strongly encourage passengers with full-size bicycles to board and detrain at ADA-accessible stations, noted with the universal symbol of access (wheelchair) in the printed timetable.  These stations feature longer platforms with either level boarding or a platform that is high enough to make the first step onto the train much shorter.  A list of stations is provided here on our website
    • If you are traveling to Harpers Ferry station or the C&O Canal Towpath, please read important information below.
  • Bikes must be secured in designated areas.
  • Look for clearly marked bike areas.
  • Collapsible bicycles that fold with wheels that come together are still welcome. 

On MARC IIB and MARC III railcars, look for the illuminated green light on the outside of the car.

  • Bikes must remain in the bike rack while the train is in motion.
  • Bikes may only be removed from the bike rack when you reach your destination and the train has stopped moving.
  • If all bike racks are occupied on a train, please wait for the next train.
  • Bungee cords may not be used to secure bikes on these type of railcars - all bikes must be in a bike rack

On MARC IV railcars, look for the green “Bicycle Entrance” decal on the outside of the car.

  • Passengers are not permitted to bring their bikes on a MARC IV railcar if they do not have two bungee cords to secure their bike.
  • Secure your bike against the folded bench seats.
  • Bicycles must be secured in at least two (2) points on the bike to prevent shifting or movement of the bike. Hook bungee cords through the eyelets at the top of the seats.
  • Bikes must remain secured while the train is in motion.
  • Sit next to, or near, your secured bike.
  • Only one (1) bike is allowed on each side of the aisle.
  • All portions of the bike should remain behind the line marked on the floor to ensure a clear and safe walkway.
  • Bike may only be removed from securement when you reach your destination and the train has stopped moving.

There's a great video on the MTA YouTube page about brinigng your bike on MARC Train -- it illustrates many of the points hilighted above.  Click here to watch it.

Travel on MARC to Harpers Ferry and the C&O Canal Towpath

MARC is a great way to get to the C&O Canal Towpath for one of the country's most scenic bike rides.  The best stations to use are Brunswick or Point of Rocks  to board and detrain. These stations are adjacent to the Towpath and allow for level access by bicycle.  The Harpers Ferry, West Virginia station is not owned or maintained by MDOT MTA or MARC Train and is currently not ADA accessible.  It is extremely physically challenging to load and unload bicycles at this station and Harpers Ferry station requires crossing a bridge and ascending/descending steps to reach the towpath. Passengers are reminded that they must load and unload bikes on their own, conductors cannot assist.

Click here for policies on other modes of MDOT MTA (Local Bus, Light Rail, Metro)