As a matter of safety and improving the transit experience for our customers and all our state’s citizens, the Maryland Transit Administration works continuously to maintain and improve our infrastructure and facilities statewide. Here are some of the projects we’re working on currently and those that are most likely to have an impact on the traveling public.

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White Marsh Comfort Station
DESCRIPTION: This project involves the installation of an ADA-compliant bathroom facility at the White Marsh Park and Ride Lot for the sole use of MTA bus operators.

IMPACT: The project is expected to last through January 2025. Throughout the duration of the project traffic may be redirected and impact the Park & Ride lot at various times. Portable Variable Message Signs will be in place to redirect traffic as needed.


Fast Forward Bus Shelters
DESCRIPTION: MTA will be installing Bus Shelters at bus stop locations in Baltimore City and Baltimore County.

IMPACT: The project involves installing bus shelters at 35 bus stops in Baltimore City and 4 bus stops in Baltimore County.  Contractors will be working Monday - Friday between 9:00 am and 3:30 pm through Spring 2025. This work will cause minor impact to riders boarding buses at existing locations that call for new shelters.  Bus stop relocations are not anticipated at this time.



None at this time



None at this time



None at this time.



None at this time.