MTA is committed to providing a public transit system that everyone can use.  We have made many improvements to make our system more accessible for people with disabilities and seniors.  It is our hope that information provided in this section will enable you to travel safely and comfortably within our service area.

People with Disabilities and Seniors Fare Program

People with Disabilities, Senior citizens (age 65+), and Medicare Cardholders must show valid IDs in one of the following categories to be eligible for reduced fares on MTA transit services:

  1. MTA Senior Photo ID ( no longer issued),
  2. Government issued photo ID showing age 65 or better,
  3. MTA Disability photo ID card,
  4. Disability ID from another transit agency and government issued photo ID,
  5. Medicare card and government issued photo ID.

Senior Photo ID cards are no longer issued by the MTA Reduced Fare Certification Office; however, Seniors (65 and over) may apply for a no cost Maryland Photo Identification Card at any Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration Office.  MTA will continue to issue Disability photo IDs.

For Senior/Disability fares, please visit the MTA Fares page. For more information, email You may also call or visit the MTA Certification Office at 6 Saint Paul Street (Lobby Level); Baltimore, MD 21202, telephone 410-767-3438.