(updated July 2023)

Most MTA MARC Park and Ride lots are free of charge for patron parking. However, please note that lots operated by WMATA are not under our jurisdiction.

Parking at MTA MARC Park and Ride lots is limited and many lots fill before the rush hour is over. Lots at Odenton, Point of Rocks, and West Baltimore are among the most popular locations which fill early in the morning.

Penn Line Station Parking

Station Location Parking Spaces Cost Details
Perryville 650 Broad St.(Lots A&B)
Additional parking at the church lot approximately 1 block away(Lot C)
169 FREE Parking is not allowed at the Town Hall lot in Perryville and cars are subject to towing.
Aberdeen US Rt. 40 East @ 18 E. Belair Ave. 188 FREE -
Edgewood 2127 Old Edgewood Rd. 294 FREE -
Martin State Airport 2710 Eastern Blvd. 321 FREE -
Penn Station 1500 N. Charles St. 550 PAID Call: 410-783-0213
West Baltimore 401 Smallwood St. 327 FREE -
Halethorpe 5833 Southwestern Blvd. 928 FREE -
BWI Rail Station 2 Amtrak Way 3,187 $12.00 per day **see BWI FREE Parking below - FREE for Ticket-by-Mail Customers ONLY**
Odenton 1400 Odenton Rd. 1,977 FREE .
Bowie State 13900 Old Jericho Park Rd. 675 FREE -
Seabrook 6221 Seabrook Rd. 264 FREE -
New Carrollton 4700 Garden City Dr. @ New Carrollton Metro Station 3,519 PAID WMATA-operated garage (click link for fees)
Union Station 50 Massachusetts Avenue, NE 2,194 PAID Union Station Parking

Camden Line Station Parking

Station Location Parking Spaces Cost Details
Camden Station 301 W. Camden St. 1004 $15.00 per day Parking in Lots B or C on non-game days ONLY, click here for full information.
St. Denis 1734 Arlington Ave. 55 FREE -
Dorsey 7000 Route 100 between U.S. 1 & MD 295 750 FREE -
Jessup 8010 Old Jessup Rd. 57 FREE -
Savage 9009 Dorsey Run Rd. 978 FREE -
Laurel Racetrack Laurel Racetrack Rd. between U.S. 1 & MD 198 700 FREE -
Laurel 22 Main St. 504 FREE -
Muirkirk 7012-B Muirkirk Rd. 650 FREE -
Greenbelt 5717 Greenbelt Metro Dr. 3,999 PAID WMATA-operated parking lot (click link for more information).  Residential streets on the west side of the station are designated for resident parking only, any cars without a Residential Parking Permit will be ticketed and towed.
College Park 4931 Calvert Road 530 PAID WMATA-operated garage (click link for more information).  Residential streets on the west side of the station are designated for resident parking only, any cars without a Residential Parking Permit will be ticketed and towed.  Post Office parking lot has a 30 minute time limit which is strictly enforced.
Riverdale Park Town Center 6200 Rhode Island Ave. 50 FREE -
Union Station 50 Massachusetts Avenue, NE 2,194 PAID Union Station Parking

Brunswick Line Station Parking

Station Location Parking Spaces Cost Details
Martinsburg, WVa. 229 E. Martins St. 81 $20 for monthly permit / metered

-Permit forms inside train station; more information

304-264-2131 ext.253

Duffields, WVa. 5057 Flowing Springs Road 295 FREE -
Harpers Ferry, WVa. 120 Potomac St. 88 National Park Service admission fee required The parking lot at Harpers Ferry train station is part of the National Park and you must pay park admission to park there.  Passes are $20 for three days or $35 for an annual pass.  Visit the Park's website for more information and to purchase a pass.  Note that you must display the pass in your windshield or you will be ticketed and towed.
Brunswick 100 S. Maple Ave. 675 FREE -
Frederick 100 S. East St. 100 PAID 301-600-1429
Monocacy 7800 Genstar Drive 916 FREE -
Point of Rocks 4000 Clay St. 503 FREE -
Dickerson 22211 Mt. Ephraim Rd. 15 FREE -
Barnesville 8 Beallsville Rd. 77 FREE -
Boyds 15031 Clopper Rd. 15 FREE -

19311 Mateny Hill Rd.




Metropolitan Grove 30 Metropolitan Ct. 355 FREE -
Gaithersburg 5 S. Summit Ave. @ E. Diamond Ave. 680 FREE -
Washington Grove 100 Railroad St. 18 FREE -
Rockville 307 S. Stonestreet Ave. 532 PAID WMATA-operated parking lot (click link for more information)
Garrett Park 11015 Rokeby Ave. 17 FREE -
Kensington 10417 Howard Ave. 64 at station, 50 addt'l spaces at City Hall (3710 Mitchell Street) FREE Very limited parking at the station; typically full early in the morning.  Consider RideOn Bus service (Routes 4, 5, and 33) or walking/biking to station.
Silver Spring 1170 Bonifant Street 716 PAID All-day spaces located at adjacent Montgomery County DOT garages (call: 240-777-8740).
Union Station 50 Massachusetts Avenue, NE. 2,194 PAID Union Station Parking
Steps to get Free Parking at BWI Marshall Rail Station Parking Garage

Travel must originate at BWI Marshall Rail Station, and tickets must be purchased through the MARC Ticket-by-Mail program with Commuter Direct. Tickets purchased through the CharmPass or ticket vending machines are not eligible for free parking.

  • Sign up and receive you MARC monthly or Transit Link Card (TLC) through Commuter Direct.
  • Print out an application from the Commuter Direct website and email it along with a copy of your Commuter Direct E-mail receipt to LAZ Parking (our parking garage contractor) at sfeleke@lazparking.com two days prior to your anticipated initial parking date, to allow for processing.
  • Customers needing an access card may pick up their card after 3 p.m. on the second business day of the month in which parking starts. Your pass will be located in the “Garage One” parking booth, with the attendant, along with a list of terms for the BWI MARC garage.
  • A card activation fee of $20 (non-refundable) must be paid by credit card, check or money order (no cash accepted) at time of pick-up.

Remember, key cards are NOT distributed on the same day you submit your application. You must contact either the Garage 1 booth attendant or LAZ Parking representative concerning the parking pass application prior to your first day of travel.

On the second day of each month, Commuter Direct validates your monthly or TLC MARC ticket with the garage operator, allowing you to park your vehicle.

Tickets purchased through the CharmPass app or at a ticket vending machine are not eligible for free parking at BWI Marshall Rail Station.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact:

CommuterDirect.com Monthly BWI Parking Program

  • Phone: 703-228-7433
  • Email: questions@commuterdirect.com
  • Website: mta.commuterdirect.com

LAZ Parking accounts questions or payments

  • Phone: 443-255-7477
  • Email: sfeleke@lazparking.com
  • Website: www.lazparking.com