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MTA has launched BMORE BUS, a transit plan for the Baltimore region that will develop recommendations for bus service improvements over the next five to ten years. Guided by the  Regional Transit Plan (RTP)—MTA’s 25-year plan for improving public transportation in Central Maryland—BMORE BUS will present recommendations for improving bus service types, frequency, and destinations based on public priorities, travel data, and capital resources. Once complete, BMORE BUS will inform the annual updates that MTA makes to bus service each fall, working to implement the priorities identified in this plan. 

A Better Bus System is Possible

What improvements is MTA considering?

More frequent service

New or modified routes to serve new destinations and connections

Longer hours of operation

New services like limited-stop routes and on-demand transit

And more!

What about reliability? I just want my bus to arrive on time!

Recommendations in the BMORE BUS plan will ultimately help MTA strengthen its service reliability. MTA’s continued focus on infrastructure investments like dedicated bus lanes and transit signal priority, as well as efforts to hire a complete team of bus operators and mechanics to limit unplanned service cuts, will further increase reliability and set the stage for the successful implementation of the BMORE BUS plan in the years to come. Click here to learn more about MTA’s performance improvement efforts.

Study Area

Bmore Study Area Map

BMORE BUS will focus on MTA’s core bus service area—which includes service on CityLink Bus, QuickLink Bus, LocalLink Bus, and Express LinkBus bus routes—and connections to the broader Central Maryland region as we consider potential service improvements.

Study Timeline

Study Timeline

What Does Bus Service Look Like Today?

Click the link below for interactive maps that show how often buses run, where people get on and off the bus, and what destinations the bus serves today.

Click Here to Learn About Existing Service

What's Happening Now?

Thank you to everyone who participated in our online public survey! In Spring 2024, we asked you to tell us what types of bus service improvements were most important to you as we develop recommendations for bus service improvements for the next 5 to 10 years. We appreciate your valuable feedback!

  • The survey received over 700 responses
  • The top priorities for improvements are to improve and expand the Frequent Transit Network, increase frequency in the off-peak periods, and increase limited-stop service

What's next? We will use what we learned from the public survey and our analysis of travel data to develop draft recommendations for public feedback in late Summer 2024. Check back here and sign up for email updates, below, so you can be the first to know when our draft recommendations are released.

Frequently Asked Questions

iHow is BMORE BUS different from MTA's annual service changes?

MTA implements changes to bus routes—both where the routes go and how frequently they come—each Fall via the annual service plan process. These regular service updates ensure that MTA is responsive to the latest travel patterns and needs of riders. However, with the annual service plan process following a one-year planning and implementation cycle, there’s little room for service planning beyond reacting to current trends.

With the BMORE BUS short-range transit plan, MTA is taking a proactive and comprehensive look at what bus service improvements should be prioritized over the next five to ten years of annual service planning. BMORE BUS will also identify the operational and capital resources needed for each recommended improvement; this will help stakeholders understand the levels of investment required for different types of service improvements.

iAre you redesigning the bus network?

BMORE BUS is a short-range transit plan, not a network redesign. Rather than creating a new bus network from scratch like a network redesign would, BMORE BUS uses the current network as a starting point for improvement recommendations over the next five to ten years.

iWhat are the different bus service types included in BMORE BUS?

The BMORE BUS plan considers all services in MTA’s core bus network:

  • Color-coded, high-frequency routes
  • Form a Downtown grid and radiate outward, follow major corridors across Baltimore City
  • i.e., CityLink Green, CityLink Blue
  • Form cross-town "rings“
  • Operate on neighborhood streets between the CityLink routes
  • i.e., 21, 22
Express BusLink
  • Limited-stop service from suburb-to-suburb, suburb-to-downtown
  • i.e., 103, 105
QuickLink (Pilot Service)
  • Limited-stop service for routes and corridors experiencing high and concentrated ridership
  • i.e., QuickLink 40 (pilot route)
iWhat about Light Rail and Metro Subway?

These modes are not the focus of the BMORE BUS plan (although connections to these modes may be considered). MTA is separately pursuing improvements to Light Rail and Metro Subway, including new railcars, station wayfinding, and a range of reliability enhancements.

iWhat about bus service in areas outside of Central Maryland?

BMORE BUS will focus on MTA’s core bus service area—which includes service on CityLink Bus, QuickLink Bus, LocalLink Bus, and Express BusLink—as well as connections to the broader Central Maryland region as we consider potential service improvements. The BMORE BUS plan will not make recommendations for other, non-MTA locally operated transit systems, although connections to these other local transit systems may be considered. Click here to learn more about MTA’s Office of Local Transit Support (OLTS) and other transit systems across Maryland.

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Phone (Voice-mailbox): 410-767-9099

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